Conservation Commission
The Conservation Commission’s mission is to:
- Recommend proper utilization and protection of the Town’s natural resources
- Provide protection of the Town’s watershed resources
What it can do:
- The Commission catalogs the natural resources of the Town and explores issues and management strategies for those resources.
- The Commission makes recommendations to the Selectboard and to the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development for the better utilization of the Town’s resources.
- The Commission may accept gifts of money and/or property, subject to the Selectmen’s approval, that will be used to further the Commission’s mission.
- The Commission may also acquire property, water rights or development rights to further its mission.
Contact Information:
The Conservation Commission meets on the second Tuesday of the Month at 6:30pm at the Healthfirst Family Center Conference room- 18 Roberts Road.
Chair: Cody Hussey – January 2027
Co-Chair: Bill Chabot – April 2027
Giovanna Lepore – January 2027
Len Reitsma – April 2025
Alisa Kline – August 2025
Elizabeth Chabot – January 2027
Noel Everts – January 2026
Alice Schori – January 2026
Selectboard Representative: Sadie Wells
The Nature Hut is located in the Town Forest along Rt 4. The Town Forest is a unique forested wetland, whose topography changes with the season. It is also an important nesting area for the endangered Canada Warbler.
Parking is on the north side of Rt 4, in the pull off, located approximately 1/2 mile west of Lafortune Rd. The trail from the parking area to the hut is 1/2 mile in length. There are also three shorter trails which begin & end at the hut.
The Nature Hut was built by volunteers from the Conservation Commission and Mascoma High School.
December: No Meeting
November 8, 2022
October 11, 2022
September: No Meeting
August 4, 2022
July 11, 2022
June 6, 2022
May: No Meeting
April 6, 2022
March 7, 2022
February 7, 2022
January: No Meeting