Old Home Days

parade marshals reding in black convertible

The Old Home Days Committee organizes two special community building events – the Canaan Old Home Days held in August each year, and the Annual Holiday Craft Sale held in November. Both events help past and present Canaan residents to stay in touch and experience a sense of history and tradition important to all of us.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the Month at 7pm at the Canaan Fish & Game Club on Ballpark Road. All are Welcome!


Marvin & Helen Rocke, 523-7712
Helen Rocke email: nanarocke@netzero.net.
Facebook Page

Alumni Associations:
Debbie Tenney, dtenney225@comcast.net

Marvin Rocke, Co-Chair
Carol Medeiros, Secretary
Helen Rocke, Acting Treasurer
Harry and Audrey Armstrong
Alton Hennessy
Jean Ricard
Mark Wilson
Mark Houston

The idea of “Old Home Week” in New Hampshire was begun in 1899 by Governor Frank West Rollins. Eventually, many towns shortened this to “Old Home Days,” but continued in the tradition of celebrating the history and community spirit of individual towns.

Canaan Old Home Days are celebrated on the first weekend in August each year. Beginning in 1984, the official Canaan Old Home Days Committee was established which now leads us in fun and festivities every year. We thank all who participate in the committee and the events. Your work keeps us connected!

Learn more about the first Canaan Old Home Days in this 1998 Messenger newspaper article.

2024Nursery Rhymes & Fairy TalesCindy & Elwin Neily
2023 Knights & DragonsDale & Bobbi-Lynn Barney
2022Wild Wild WestEdie & Bill Bellion
2021Super HeroesStella & Joe Butterfield
2019Life on the FarmDave & Vicky McAlister
2018Board GamesDave & Pam Webster
2017HolidaysEarl “Bucky” Smith
2016CircusJohn & Chris Dow
2015The 50’s & 60’sBob & Debbie LaCroix
2014Glory Days of the Rail RoadHarry & Audie Armstrong
2013Ship Ahoy!Marvin & Helen Rocke
2012School Days of YesteryearDebbie Tenney, Dan Fleetham Sr & Grace Stebbins
2011250 Years of Old Home Days Past & PresentThe parade was led by many of the past marshals from as far back as 1984
2010Planet EarthNelson & Maxine Therriault
2009Wild AnimalsRuth Tucker & Helen Good earl
2008ComicsDr. Henry & Patricia Brown
2007CartoonsMilton & Elsie Wilson
2006Celebrating 25 Years of Old Home DaysGeorgia Tilton & John Q. Ricard
2005Country Fairs of the PastJackie & Ed Lary
2004StatesGeorgia Tilton & Elinor Wescott
2003Mardi GrasDarwin & Vivian Hadley
2002America the BeautifulDot & Ralph Dow
2001Circus-CircusNancy Snyder & Marty Pusey
2000Disney & New MillenniumMickey & Minnie Mouse (Butch & Ellen Rocke)
1999Looking Back 100 YearsReginald & Eleanor Barney
1998Fifties & SixtiesKathryn Carlson & Sybil Gambell
1997Wild World of SportsDouglas Belloir & Guy Serviss
1996CommercialsPaul & Zilla Tucker
1995HolidaysMary Hazen & Marjorie Eastman
1994CircusSmokey Bear
1993Old Wild WestVerna Dunn & Zephryn Clarke
1992HolidaysDana & Esther Christy
1991Nursery RhymesBirthday Cake – 10 Years
1990Fifties & SixtiesDaniel & Betty Fleetham
1989Wonderful World of DisneyDr. Israel A. Dinerman
1988Country & WesternAddie Hines
1987U.S. ConstitutionDorothy Ricard
1986Children’s StoriesCharles Clifford
1985Board GamesOlive Smith
1984Fairy TalesHenry & Roxie Gould

Old Home Galleries can be found here. If you have photos, keepsakes, or even good stories from any Canaan Old Home Days, please let us know!