Finance Department


Cariann Zandell, Finance Manager
523-4501 Ext. 1070

Hours: Monday-Friday: 8-5

The Finance Department is responsible for all financial and human resources management, accounting and reporting.

The office performs:

  • Accounting
  • Preparation of Actualized Budget Reports
  • Preparation of Revenue Reports
  • Preparation of Manifests for Selectmen approval
  • Payroll
  • Cash Management
  • Non-lapsing Fund Management
  • Purchase Order Management
  • Capital Asset Inventory
  • Audit Preparation
  • Financial Coordination with Treasurer, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Trustees of Trust Funds, Administrator, and Selectmen
  • Processing of Human Resources for Town Employees:
    • Medical coverage
    • Workmen’s compensation
    • Unemployment
    • Dental coverage
    • Life insurance
    • Employee risk management and retirement