Canaan Board of Adjustment (BoA)

The BoA’s primary role is to interpret the terms of the Drinking Water Protection ordinance as enacted by the voters. It seeks to interpret the purpose and intent of the ordinance in the public interest, while at the same time protecting individual property owners from unfairness and hardship in the application of regulations.
The BoA may grant variances or special exceptions if the ordinance allows special exceptions, and hear appeals of any decision of an administrative official that is based on an interpretation of the ordinance, pursuant to RSA 676:5. The BoA also hears appeals from the Historic District Commission and the Selectboard’s decisions on class VI and older private roads.
The board of adjustment must act within the limits set by the ordinance and map as authorized by the voters at March Town Meeting and the Board cannot enlarge, restrict or disregard these limits.
Appeals and Requests for Rehearing – Appeals of Administrative Decisions and Requests for a Rehearing of a BoA decision must be filed within 30 days of the decision being appealed.