Name of Applicant: William A. Amaral & Lynne Murray, Melissa K. Malone
Type of Application: 2 lot subdivision with lot line adjustment
Description of Application: Split lot to create 0.85 acres and 3.56 acres. Move line for fire pit.
Location of Property: Map 15B, lot 6A, and Map 15B, Lot 5 at end of Highland Ave.
Date: Thursday, February 27 Time: 6:05 PM
Place: HealthFirst Family Care Center, 18 Roberts Road
The application may be viewed at the town office, or through the online agenda where Zoom instructions will also be found. Alternatively, to join meeting by telephone, please call one of these numbers: 312-626-6799, 929-205-6099, 301-715-8592.
Meeting ID: 863 3899 1153 Passcode: 721342.
Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA § 676:4 that the above application will be submitted to the Canaan Planning Board, during a regular meeting of the Board at the date and time indicated above.
This notice is being provided to the general public by posting at the Town Office and Post Office, and by verified mail to:
– The applicant
– Abutting property owners
– Interested third parties, including those described in RSA § 676:4, I, (d)
Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Canaan Subdivision Regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public hearing on the merits of the proposal will follow immediately. Please be advised that your right to testify is restricted to the public hearing portion of the meeting and that the Board has the discretion of placing certain limitations on testimony to maintain the orderly and timely conduct of business. If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may submit comments to the Board in writing.
Should a decision not be reached at this time, this application will stay on the Board’s agenda until such time as it is approved, conditionally approved, or disapproved.